Cable outlet brush
Code 32170031 Discover where you can use these Logic accessories The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of racks…
Code 32170031 Discover where you can use these Logic accessories The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of racks…
Code 32155843 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of racks…
CodeAncho/Width RackDoble / DoubleDepth / DepthLOGIC-2RETOEASY/WITRACK 32315600600/800600*32315800600/800800*32315999600/8001000*32315120600/8001200*32316606800* 600*32316608800*800*32315101800*1000*32315121800*1200*32365006600/800600-800*32365010600/ 800800-1000*32365012600/8001000-1200*32255240600400*32255250600500*32255260600600* Discover where you can use these Logic accessories The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created…
CodeU/HEDim / mm 32155821155x4532155822185x4532155823285x88 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation…
CodeU/HEa/mmWidth/Width Rack 3215581042186580032155812472088800 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of…
CodeU/HEa/mmWidth/Width Rack 3215580042186580032155804472088800 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of…
CodeU/HEa/mmWidth/Width Rack 321558073013328003215580142186580032155802472088800 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of…
CodeFondo/Depth 3221546060032315480800-900-100 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of racks…
Code 32155050 Discover where you can use these Logic accessories The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of racks…
CodeFondo/Depth 3221577660032315610800322157801000322156121200 Discover where you can use these accessories Logic The “flat-pack” system, the LOGIC system. Practical and logical, this is how Retex defined and created the new generation of racks…